Super Os® is composed of betaine anhydrous.  Betaine supplementation is well-known as a methyl donor as a partial methionine, and choline replacement to reduce feed costs; provides osmo-protective effects; improves carcass characteristics in production animals.

The characteristic functions of Super Os® as a methyl donor and osmolyte provide beneficial effects on animal performance particularly during times of heat and disease stress.    

“Betaine exerts an osmo-protective effect by accumulating in cell organelles and in cells exposed to osmotic and ionic stress, thereby replacing inorganic ions, and thus protecting enzymes as well as cell membranes from inactivation by inorganic ions.”  By this mechanism betaine supplementation protects cellular structures and activity during stress, thereby reducing the negative effects of heat stress and/or coccidiosis infections.  

Additionally, betaine supplementation has the ability to improve carcass quality by improving the lean meat percentage and decreasing the amount of carcass fat in monogastric animals.  This in turn reduces the incidence of fatty liver in laying hens and poultry breeders.  This hepatoprotective effect is also evident in ruminants with decreased NEFA and BHFA in dairy cows supplemented with betaine which is indicative of improved liver function. 


Betaine anhydrous improves the performance and slaughter characteristics of poultry, ruminants, and pigs, during stressful periods in production.

More recent research has been focused on the use of supplemental betaine to support gut health.  Supplemental betaine improves crude fiber digestibility, improves the bacterial activity in GIT, increased villus height which promotes increased nutrient absorption and supports intestinal growth and function. 

From a practical standpoint, betaine supplementation in broilers will reduce feed costs, improve growth and FCR.  In layers, betaine will assist in preventing heat stress associated with production loss and reduce the incidence of fatty livers.  The beneficial effects of betaine in swine are numerous, from increased ADG and FCR to increased feed intake and fertility performance in sows’.  In addition to a thermoprotective effect in ruminants, betaine has also been shown to increase VFA production in particular the ratio of acetate: propionate, and improve total nutrient digestibility. 

The recommended dose rate in poultry is 0,5 – 1,5 g/kg, in dairy cows 10-20 g/day and in pigs 1000 – 2000 ppm.  The appropriate dose rate is dependent on the production stage and formulation matrix.  Super Agri Science has a team of knowledgeable representatives who can advise on product application to maximize production during stressful periods.